We are all aware of the significant impact of the National Health Service and the almost revolutionary change it brought to our nation, but when we consider the history of dealing with the health of our people, the journey to where we are today, took time and a huge amount of political and financial investment.
Although the global covid pandemic has affected us all significantly, there were outbreaks of disease going back for thousands of years of course. Health was often governed by the often terrible conditions people lived in, including poor sanitation, usage issues, and lack of clean drinking water all played their part. People like John Snow back in the 1800s recognized the impact and source of the devastating Cholera epidemic that swept London, by identifying a contaminated water pump as the main source. People and scientists have worked outside the direct health job roles to help identify issues for hundreds of years, yet the care and expertise of health workers throughout the ages such as nurses, doctors, and more, have helped people despite the risk to themselves.
We are aware of the huge impact that antibiotics have had on our people and the world, but often the impact that the healthcare workers made by administering this wonder drug can be forgotten. A career in the healthcare sector can be a hugely rewarding one and thankfully makes a huge impact on our fellow citizens.

In the modern world, we have had to deal with the Coronavirus and the front line of healthcare jobs, of course including care home staff were with the most vulnerable elderly people residing within care homes. The heroic actions and work of the care home workers looking after people in the most dangerous of situations have been inspiring and lifts the human spirit. Often these people working within a care home setting at the beginning of the pandemic, with poor PPE equipment and clothing, continued to care for people in need. People in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s were the most vulnerable and at high risk of serious illness from this latest pandemic.
Pandemics and serious health risks are not new, with the Spanish Flu killing over 50 million people after the first world war, which also required the human spirit and the kindness of people working in healthcare. Today, the army of selfless workers care for our elderly, injured, and seriously ill citizens and this takes organization and dedication. Companies such as this health company are at the forefront of these efforts, organizing countless nursing posts, care home workers, and much more, to ensure the health jobs market can meet the demand of our Nation.